The “Casa Alemana” or German House is a prototype energy-efficient home that is visiting 13 countries in South America, demonstrating new and innovative German technologies used during home construction and for solar energy collection. While these technologies are achieving significant energy savings they are also creating more comfortable living spaces. Through architectural sophistication and technological innovation the "Casa Alemana” shows that beauty and comfort can work together with renewable and efficient energy solutions. The exhibition is based on the Technical University of Darmstadt’s 2007 and 2009 winning Solar Decathlon, an international architecture and engineering sustainable house competition sponsored by the United States Department of Energy. The home, which is open to the public, will offer events for professionals interested in the application of technologies for efficient and renewable energy use, particularly microgeneration. The “Casa Alemana” will be displayed in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Montevideo, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Asunción, Paraguay, Santiago de Chile, Chile, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, Lima, Peru, Quito, Ecuador, Bogotá, Colombia, Caracas, Venezuela, San José, Costa Rica, Guatemala City, Guatemala and México City,México. Detailed information on the project is available at The Federal Ministry of Economics & Technology and the Federal Ministry of Transportation and Building & Urban Development sponsors the project.
Architect Dip.-Ing.(FH) Halil Dolan, LEED GA and Architect Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Christian Kienapfel, AIA, LEED AP will be speaking at the Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica on March 23, 2011 on the topic of"International Sustainability in Germany and the Americas - The impact of sustainable design on construction and the user." (LEED, CalGreen, DGNB,......)
Architect Dip.-Ing.(FH) Halil Dolan, LEED GA and Architect Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Christian Kienapfel, AIA, LEED AP will be speaking at the Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica on March 23, 2011 on the topic of"International Sustainability in Germany and the Americas - The impact of sustainable design on construction and the user." (LEED, CalGreen, DGNB,......)